Tuesday 28 February 2012

Bob's a Lumberjack

Talked with old friends on Saturday. They live in Keswick, and a few months ago invested in a wood-burner. Nothing terribly new about that, but what was interesting was how they fuel it: they bought a permit from the National Trust that allows cutting firewood in certain places, with strict conditions - no power-tools, for example, and pretty obviously only trees already felled for the purpose.

By my reckoning if thicker branches etc don't get used commercially, as many won't, they'll rot and produce greenhouse gases without us getting the benefit of heat from them. So at least three cheers to the NT for what is I think a pilot project, and one with imagination and sense. Fuel, exercise, fresh air, and helping keep the forests tidy, plus some income for the organisation (think they said £120 but won't swear to it).

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