Monday 17 October 2011

Global Warming in the Allotment

This is not a cheer or even half one for global warming. Jeremy Clarkson is amusing but very dim as regards that topic: that it was cold yesterday doesn't disprove the lengthy scientific studies nearly all pointing us up s..t creek. Another tiny proof up here in the wilds of Lancashire is the harvest this weekend on our allotment: four open-air grown baby cucumbers; plenty of courgettes; and even a handful of raspberries. The spinach in our garden still looks healthy and youthful. It's mid-October. The baby cucumbers were very welcome, one part of Ruth's salad box for lunch today. Not so the courgettes, so eagerly awaited in early summer but by now hanging around like a bad smell or a foolish government minister trying to avoid resignation.

Speaking of which, Liam Fox finally accepted the inevitable. I had harsh words with one of my friends the other day, who has never taken me on a foreign trip with him and whose office I have never visited. Perhaps it's because I don't know what transactional advantage even means.

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