Monday 22 April 2013

Circular Chickens

It is not the chickens which are circular - though I'd pay good money to see that - but what they are involved with, namely being living bins for our waste vegetable matter. I made some vegetable stock yesterday, the onion, carrots, celery etc simmered to soggy mush by the end. Not appetizing for us, but with a bit of grain mixed in it made a treat for the hens.

I thought of this listening to Drive on 5-Live today, where people are complaining about recycling - not about doing it, but the stupidity of separating everything out then the council putting it all in one munching truck. Recycling and reuse are economic and sensible, but we don't get it right often enough. A lot of the glass from recycling is, so I have been told, used as cullet, one of the layers in building up a road. that is use of course, but it isn't the best use surely, as recycled it could go round and round. Circular glass in fact.

We like the idea of a pig to take this one stage further, but as a) our neighbours might not be so keen; and b) our Victorian house's deeds state in terms we have to have a 12 foot wall if we want to keep pigs, it isn't practical. Which is a pity, as with a lifelong love of Wodehouse and Blandings (I recently declared myself Life President of the Sir Gregory Parsloe-Parsloe Defence League) I'd love to raise a fat pig like the Empress. Who (not which for such a character) was indeed circular.

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