Tuesday 8 January 2013

Austerity Banking

On a blog followed by a blogger I follow came across the idea of Sealed Pot Sunday. Why Sunday I have yet to figure out, perhaps the alliteration was too tempting. The basic idea is just that of a kid's piggy bank, saving money for about a year (for some reason December 3rd the date to open the pots) and then splurging what is found in the pot on Christmas or perhaps travel. The money is meant to be loose change, any coins found on the street etc, and for some the money saved with special deals or selling stuff. We decided to give it a go.

It struck me that this campaign or trend says something about our continuing distrust of banks, and certainly of Christmas savings schemes (I have never been tempted by those, partly because every year you hear of someone absconding with the dosh, or of a firm going bust - yet to understand how that can happen).

I put my loose change in a pot previously, banking the money when a certain coin reached the £1 or whatever mark specified on bank coin bags, so today transferred the contents of that to the new bigger pot. It will take some work to sort all the coins collected over a year, bag them and bank them, but maybe it will be worth it - the plan is to use the dosh for a break, whether that be a night in a hotel, a few days in a cottage, or something more exotic.

What we will not be doing is using the coin counting machines you see in supermarkets. I'm not sure if they are all the same, but I had a look at one some time back and noticed it took 25% for doing the sorting and giving you a voucher. When I saw that I alerted a guy about to tip in a massive bag of coppers, but he either thought I was a loony, or didn't understand the idea of 25% being lost, or was so flush he didn't care as he went ahead anyway.  

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