Wednesday 16 November 2011

Cheap and Delicious

The austerity Christmas post brought to mind last night's cheap and very cheerful indeed main course - starter was just grated carrot seasoned and with a drop of oil plus a few slices of salami each. Stuffed savoury pancakes made into a gratin with a cheesy sauce. The stuffing was half a chicken breast leftover from Sunday, eight mushrooms sliced and gently sauteed with two chopped onions and two cloves of garlic sliced thinly. My wife saved my sauce from medicority by insisting it needed more cheese, and she was right. I even added a bit of parmesan on top of the sauce to give it some oomph. Two pancakes each quickly made on my flat griddle. the result was fabulous even though I say so myself. For once I even got what seemed like praise from small son - he compared it favourably to lasagne, his favourite dish apart from steak with a pulse.

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