Friday 23 September 2011

Stuff the Apples

The current glut we are enjoying if that's the word is of apples, both cookers and dessert. The new food dryer is helping to cope with the seemingly endless crop, and both wife and son devouring the little rings like sweeties.

A couple of days ago, thinking of how to use up space in a low oven cooking a casserole over two hours and more I improvised a simple pudding: six apples were washed and cored, and the hole stuffed with a mix that was roughly 4 parts fine porridge oats, 3 ground almonds, 2 sesame seeds, 1 sugar, moistened with maple syrup. Halfway through the stuffing looked too dry so more syrup was added, plenty on the skins too, along with several big glugs of rum. Delicious and very simple. They held their shape and had a rummy-toffee apple flavour. It's rewarding to come up with something that simple and that tasty.

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